Running a growing business? Self-storage is the perfect way to store excess stock, keep organized inventory, or secure equipment. If you’re considering a business storage unit, here’s our guide to help you make the most out of it!
Get Rid of Old, Unused Items
Before you go loading your inventory or supplies into a business storage unit, you first need to clear out unused items. This makes less work for you by getting rid of anything you don’t use.
You might be a little apprehensive to throw anything away, especially if you’re a new or small business. Who knows – you might need it again! But if your workspace is cluttered with supplies you no longer use and products you no longer sell, it’s in your best interest to get rid of the old to let you have more space and room for the new. So if you haven’t used something in six months or sold in a year, it’s time to ditch it.
Organize Items You’ll Keep Onsite
Now that the office space is a little less cluttered, you can focus on separating items you want to keep onsite and items you want to be stored offsite.
For onsite inventory, consider using shelves, bins, and racks to help you stay more organized. For inventory items or just regular office supplies, there are a variety of shelves and bins to choose from to help you stay organized. Some include aisle savers that can be slid or arranged to best fit your storage needs. Racks are a great way to keep inventory neat and easily viewable. They also are great space savers in the office as it utilizes vertical space.
Make a List of Items That Can be Stored Offsite
For offsite items, take a look around your office and ask what you need for day-to-day operations and what can get sent to the unit. For example, you may need some files available for easy access, but many documents can be stored safely. Or, you may want to store away excess inventory items or off-market seasonal items.
Find the Right Business Storage Unit
With your list made, you need to now find the right business storage unit for your needs. As you look for the right unit, consider the following factors:
- Size – You’ll not only want to pick the right size to fit all your stuff, but you’ll want to pick a facility that offers a range of storage unit sizes. Why? As you grow, you may find that the storage unit you started with is getting a little small. You want options to be able to grow into when the time comes.
- Accessibility – When looking for a self-storage unit, it’s vital you have easy access to the unit. You want to be able to drive your vehicle all the way up to the door of your unit for easy loading and unloading. That means wide driveways and plenty of space to bring your car (or truck) into.
- Features – Many storage facilities come with features, and you want to take advantage of them. Some features include security that limits access to the facility, truck rentals, and on-site managers to assist you, among others.
Pack Properly
You may be eager to throw all your business supplies into your storage unit, but it’s important that you don’t rush packing. You want to ensure you don’t damage any inventory or supplies, so pack efficiently instead. While many products ship in cardboard boxes, you may want to open them up and move them into sturdier containers. Plastic bins are great for not only protecting your items from damage and dust but for also making everything easier to locate.
Store with Organization in Mind
Your storage unit should be safe and easy to navigate, no matter who is heading in to grab something. The system doesn’t have to be complicated. It just needs to work for your business.
We suggest organizing products by type together so they’re easier to find. For bestselling items or frequently used equipment, place them at the front of the storage unit. Furniture and seasonal items can be placed in the back. If you store items in boxes, you place digital photos of items on the boxes’ exteriors. Stickers with stock-keeping unit numbers can also help you label and track your inventory.
Don’t Forget Labels
And, of course, don’t forget to label! It might seem obvious, but it’s a step you don’t want to skip. Labeling your storage inventory and zones will help you maintain an organized space well into the future. It will also help you (and other employees) find what you’re looking for a whole lot quicker and easier.
Ready to store items for your business? All Secure Storage is here to lend a hand!
All Secure Storage is Here for Your Business Storage Needs
If you’re ready to get a business storage unit, All Secure Storage is here to help! We have a variety of storage unit sizes available, as well as truck rentals, so no matter how much you need to store, we have the space. With a convenient location in Montrose, we’ve got your storage needs covered.